Persian Translation and Determining the Validity of 2020 Standards for Health‑Promoting Hospitals and Health Services Affiliated with the World Health Organization

Mohamad A. Seifrabiei, Zahra Sanaee, Mohamad A. Sharbaf, Akbar Nikpajouh


Background: Since the establishment of the International Health Promotion Hospitals (HPH) in 2006, standards have been designed to evaluate this network. Based on the request of the General Assembly of HPH, the new standards have been revised in 2020 to be in harmony with the new global strategy of HPH for the years 2021–2025. The present study was conducted to translate the original version of the self‑evaluation form of HPH and to determine its validity and reliability in Iranian society. Methods: The standard process of forward and backward translation was followed after that to determine the face validity of the Persian version of HPH standards, fifteen experts from ten hospitals in five major cities in Iran (Tehran, Mashhad, Isfahan, Shiraz and Hamadan) gave their opinions about 86 standard statements based on a five‑point Likert scale, and the impact score was calculated. For determining content validity, both the content validity ratio (CVR) and content validity index (CVI) were used. Results: All 86 standard statements of the five main standards had an impact score higher than 1.5. Also, regarding CVR, all 86 standard statements had a score higher than 0.49 (the minimum plausible score based on Lawshe’s table). Finally, after calculating the CVI, all the standard statements had a CVI higher than 0.8, which indicated a very good content validity index for all the items. Conclusions: According to the results of this study, the Persian form of the 2020 HPH standards is valid enough to be used in Iranian hospitals and health services.

International Journal of Preventive Medicine 14(1):119, October 2023. | DOI: 10.4103/ijpvm.ijpvm_44_23


Corresponding Author: Dr. Akbar Nikpajouh


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Health‑promoting hospitals; Iran; standards; validity

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