Noise‑induced Hearing Loss: Continuous versus Impact/impulse Noise

Mohammad Hossein Davar, Mohammad Taghi Jalalian, Seyyed Jalil Mirmohammadi, Ahmad Shojaoddiny‑ Ardekani, Mojgan Piri Ardakani, Amir Houshang Mehrparvar


Background: Impact/impulse and continuous noise are two main causes of noise‑induced hearing loss (NIHL) in workplaces. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of impulse/impact noise and continuous noise on hearing status. Methods: In this study, 259 workers referred to the occupational medicine clinic of Shahid Rahnemoun hospital, Yazd, Iran, entered the study and were divided into two groups: with exposure to impact/impulse noise and with exposure to continuous noise. Hearing thresholds were measured and compared between the two groups by pure‑tone audiometry (PTA). The frequency of hearing loss and audiometric notch according to the results of PTA was compared between the two groups. Data were analyzed by SPSS (ver. 16) using Student’s t‑test, Chi‑square test, and Mann–Whitney U test. Results: Hearing thresholds were significantly higher at all frequencies in the impact noise group. The hearing threshold at 6000 Hz was higher than other frequencies in both groups. The frequency of hearing loss at high frequencies was higher in the impact group. The frequency of audiometric notch was not significantly different between the two groups. Conclusions: The results of this study showed that hearing loss after exposure to impact/impulse noise is probably more frequent and more severe than exposure to continuous noise, but the pattern of hearing loss is similar in both types of noise exposure.


International Journal of Preventive Medicine 15():2, January 2024. | DOI: 10.4103/ijpvm.ijpvm_368_21

Corresponding Author: Prof. Amir Houshang Mehrparvar


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Audiometry; noise‑induced hearing loss; occupational noise

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