Preventive Medicine: From Molecular to Population Studies
To the Readers
By definition, Medicine is the art and science of healing. It encompasses a range of
health care practices evolved to maintain and restore health by the prevention and treatment
of illness ( Upon graduation, medical students take the
Hippocratic Oath, including one of its quotes saying “I will prevent disease whenever I can,
for prevention is preferable to cure.”
Even though the Medicine’s main goal is to prevent or cure diseases, medical students
are mostly trained for diagnosis and treatment of disease. As a result, during their practice as
physicians, they do not consider their important role in disease prevention and health promo-
tion. Many physicians agree with Dr. C. Everett Koop who said "I don't think a medical stu-
dent is ever told what his mission in life is. Certainly no one told me when I was a medical
student what was expected of me as a lifetime goal in assuming the role of a physician."
Moreover, many physicians do not consider that many parts of their efforts for disease man-
agement are, in fact, secondary or tertiary levels of prevention.
There has been a debate over the relative importance of prevention vs. treatment; obvi-
ously they should not be considered as two opposite sides of a health system, which requires
both prevention and treatment.
By definition, Medicine is the art and science of healing. It encompasses a range of
health care practices evolved to maintain and restore health by the prevention and treatment
of illness ( Upon graduation, medical students take the
Hippocratic Oath, including one of its quotes saying “I will prevent disease whenever I can,
for prevention is preferable to cure.”
Even though the Medicine’s main goal is to prevent or cure diseases, medical students
are mostly trained for diagnosis and treatment of disease. As a result, during their practice as
physicians, they do not consider their important role in disease prevention and health promo-
tion. Many physicians agree with Dr. C. Everett Koop who said "I don't think a medical stu-
dent is ever told what his mission in life is. Certainly no one told me when I was a medical
student what was expected of me as a lifetime goal in assuming the role of a physician."
Moreover, many physicians do not consider that many parts of their efforts for disease man-
agement are, in fact, secondary or tertiary levels of prevention.
There has been a debate over the relative importance of prevention vs. treatment; obvi-
ously they should not be considered as two opposite sides of a health system, which requires
both prevention and treatment.