Could Molar‑Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH) Existence be Predictor of Short Stature?
Background: Molar‑‑incisor hypomineralization (MIH) could be appeared in condition of calcium (Ca2+) disorders. Body height is an index of growth health monitoring in child that may be assumed by calcium metabolism. This study was designed to compare the body height of 8‑‑9 years
old schoolchildren with MIH and control group.
Methods: This cross‑sectional study was carried out by examination of 606 Iranian healthy schoolchildren for recording enamel defects and body
height measurements by a single trained examiner. Putative etiological factors were evaluated using the structured questionnaire. The questionnaire was about maternal, prenatal, and postnatal factors.
Statically analysis was done using t‑test and Chi‑square test in SPSS 22.
Results: The prevalence of MIH in the schoolchildren was 52.9%. Prevalence of MIH significantly was higher in girls. Most of maternal and child’s parameters appeared to have no significant correlation with MIH except birth weight, antibiotic therapy, maternal disease in pregnancy, and medication (P < 0.05).
Conclusions: In spite of lower body height in schoolchildren with MIH, there was not any significant correlation between them.
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