Effects of Aquatic Exercise on Dimensions of Quality of Life and Blood Indicators in Patients with Beta‑Thalassemia Major

Ali Hasanpour Dehkordi, Toba Hasani, Kiavash Fekri, Fatemeh Deris, Shahram Etemadifar


Background: Thalassemia is considered as a group of genetic blood disorders, characterized by
anemia. The present research aimed at evaluating the effects of aquatic exercise on quality of
life and blood indices in patients with beta‑thalassemia major.

Methods: A clinical trial study involving 40 patients with thalassemia major, divided into two groups: experimental and control.
The tools used to collect the data included demographic information questionnaire, blood indicators
questionnaire, and SF‑36 quality of life questionnaire. The experimental group performed exercise
in water three times per week for 8 weeks in the pool after obtaining the consent. In this research,
the quality of life questionnaire was filled out 24 h before the intervention, 24 h after the last session
of the exercise program, and 2 months after the end of the exercise program.

Results: The current research revealed that exercise in water affected the quality of life, hemoglobin, hematocrit, iron
and ferritin of serum such that the mean score of quality of life and blood indicators in the study
showed a significant difference in the experimental group.

Conclusions: The use of a regular exercise program combined with drug therapy and blood transfusion can be useful in the treatment
of beta‑thalassemia patients.



Aquatic exercise; beta‑thalassemia; quality of life

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