Early Detection of Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia Based on Serial Measurement of Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin Hormone in Women with Molar Pregnancy

Roya Riahi, Abbas Rahimiforoushani, Keramat Nourijelyani, Nooshin Akbari Sharak, Mahmood Bakhtiyari


Background: The majority of studies which investigate the predicted power of Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) levels to the occurrence of Gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN) considered the effect of a single measurement of hCG or used classical statistical methods without considering the endogenous marker. The aim of this study is to investigate the association between weekly measurements of β‑hCG with time to GTN occurring, using a robust Bayesian joint modeling.

Methods: Data of 201 women with a molar pregnancy were considered for this retrospective cohort study. After the first measurement of β‑hCG in 48 hours post evacuation of mole, the other titration was performed on a weekly basis until three consecutive normal titers. The association between serial measurements of β‑hCG and risk of GTN occurring were assessed by the classic and Bayesian joint modeling and in separate analysis the mixed linear effect and Cox‑PH model were used.

Results: The mean age (SD) of participants was 26.6 (6.55) year. The GTN was occurred among 14.9% of patients. The association parameter using Bayesian approach was estimated as 1.30 (95% CI: 0.44 to 2.20) which showed one unit increase in the log β‑hCG corresponds to the 2.80‑times increase in the hazard for the occurrence of GTN (Hazard Ratio: 2.80, 95% CI: 1.55 to 8.98).

Conclusions: Findings of this study revealed that weekly measurements of β‑hCG are an important and reliable biomarker to early detection of developing of molar pregnancy to persistent GTN.


Chorionic gonadotropin; gestational trophoblastic disease; Iran

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