SARS‑CoV‑2: Review of Conditions Associated With Severe Disease and Mortality

Joshua Eyitemi, Britanie Thomas, Yazmin Ramos, Xue Feng, Chiamaka Ezekwesili


The 2019 Coronavirus Virus Disease (COVID‑19) represents a global public health challenge in the twenty‑first century. As of June 2020, the virus had spread across 216 countries across the globe. This paper aims to analyze and identify those existing comorbidities among COVID‑19 patients that represent potential risk factors for COVID‑19 complications, severe illness, and death. Multiple database resources were searched. The resources include the University of Saskatchewan library USearch, Google Scholar, PubMed, Medline, and the Google search engine. Thirty‑seven articles, which included 15 different types of chronic diseases, were selected. Among the reviewed diseases and conditions, cancer, diabetes, lymphopenia, hypertension, kidney disease, smoking, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and organ transplant were found to represent potential risk factors for COVID‑19 complications, severe illness, and death. Other conditions that require further research as to whether they predispose subjects to severe illness and death include coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular disease, valvular heart disease, gastrointestinal diseases, HIV/AIDS, asthma, and liver disease. In conclusion, this article explains the association between diseases mentioned above and the severity of COVID‑19 and clearly shows the population at risk. This paper will help government bodies and decision‑makers prioritize resources for these populations to reduce mortality rates and overall quality of life.


Chronic; COVID‑19; mortality

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