<JournalTitle>International Journal of Preventive Medicine</JournalTitle>
<ArticleTitle>Attenuation of Brain White Matter Lesions After Lacunar Stroke</ArticleTitle>
<Affiliation>Department of Neurology and Laboratory of Functional Neurosciences, INSERM ERI 12, Amiens University Hospital, Amiens, France.. bugnicourt.jean-marc@chu-amiens.fr</Affiliation>
<Abstract>White matter lesions (WMLs) are commonly observed in strokepatients with small vessel disease (SVD) and are thought toresult from a progressive, irreversible disease process followingarteriolosclerosis. In this study, we report a case of partialdisappearance of WMLs 1 year after a lacunar stroke in a69-year-old man with evidence of SVD. We also discuss possiblemechanisms associated with this observation.Keywords: Brain white matter hyperintensities, leukoaraiosis,stroke</Abstract>